How Fast Fashion Lowers Production Cost but Increases Environmental Cost


  • Malika Zahira Sampoerna University
  • Muhammad Lukman Alfakihuddin Sampoerna University
  • Jenifer Alexandra Anwari Sampoerna University
  • Jessica Madelyn Hadi Sampoerna University
  • Shiny Chutzpah Kuntadi Sampoerna University
  • Jocelyn Lim Sampoerna University
  • Fajar Nur Kholik Sampoerna University



fast fashion, environment issues, sustainability, green policy


ABSTRACT - In an effort to meet the increasing demand for inexpensive, disposable goods, the fashion
industry has adopted a business model which prioritises cost effectiveness above all else. This
business model, known as ‘fast fashion’, had been reportedly known to encourage consumers
to discard clothing at an alarming rate which in turn burdens landfills, creating a cycle of
waste. This throwaway culture stemming from fast fashion raises alarms of the impact of the
incessant reliance of synthetic fibres and chemically intensive processes which exacerbates
environmental degradation over a long period of time.

Objective This paper aims to highlight and explore the need for a shift in the fashion industry’s standards. This paper also aims to further encourage sustainable business models, advocate for consumer awareness, emphasising these factors as crucial drivers of change.  

Methodology – The literature review method was employed to analyze the data in order to acquire a more comprehensive understanding of the complex interrelationships among fast fashion, manufacturing costs, and environmental impacts.

Findings – This paper has revealed the realistic hard and soft, short, medium and long-term solutions to attack the problem at its root cause. Furthermore, fast fashion’s impact on the environment is
detrimental and requires a dire need of reevaluation of its practices to urgently ensure a more
sustainable and responsible future of the fashion industry.

Novelty – For companies which indulge in the fast fashion business model like SHEIN to implement sustainable alternatives such as using eco-friendly materials and textiles, ethical labour practices, and innovative recycling methods to be used as potential solutions in order to mitigate the environmental damage caused by the fast fashion industry and possibly encourage their consumers to understand the
damage caused by the cycle of waste.


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How to Cite

Zahira, M., Alfakihuddin, M. L. ., Anwari, J. A. ., Hadi, J. M. ., Kuntadi, S. C., Lim, J. ., & Kholik, F. N. . (2023). How Fast Fashion Lowers Production Cost but Increases Environmental Cost. Journal of Multidisciplinary Issues, 3(1), 30–38.