The Impact of Online Information and Reviews on Purchase Decisions Among Millennials and Generation Z: A Study of E-Commerce Behavior


  • Cindy Aurora Bina Nusantara University



E-commerce, Millennials, Generation Z, Online Reviews, Product Information, Purchase Decisions, SmartPLS, Consumer Behavior


Purposes - This research aims to examine the influence of accurate online information, customer reviews, and influencer endorsements on the purchasing decisions of Millennials and Generation Z. The study focuses on understanding how these factors contribute to consumer behavior in the e-commerce sector, particularly in the decision-making processes of younger digital natives. Methodology - A quantitative research approach was utilized, gathering survey data from 54 respondents within the Millennial and Generation Z demographics. The study applied structural equation modeling (SEM) using SmartPLS 4 to test hypotheses regarding the relationship between product information accuracy, reviews, and purchase decisions. Findings - The findings indicated that while there is a positive relationship between the accuracy of product information, customer reviews, and purchase decisions, this influence was not statistically significant. The p-value obtained through bootstrapping was 0.148, and the t-statistic was 1.446, both falling short of the thresholds for statistical significance. Novelty - This study challenges existing assumptions in the literature that product information accuracy and online reviews play a decisive role in e-commerce purchasing decisions. The results suggest that these factors alone may not be sufficient to influence consumer behavior among Millennials and Generation Z, indicating the need for further exploration of additional variables.Research Implications - The research implies that businesses focusing solely on providing accurate product information and fostering credible reviews may not fully address the drivers of purchase decisions for younger consumers. Future studies should explore other factors, such as emotional brand connections, personalized marketing, and the impact of social media engagement, to better understand consumer behavior in online environments.


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How to Cite

Cindy Aurora. (2023). The Impact of Online Information and Reviews on Purchase Decisions Among Millennials and Generation Z: A Study of E-Commerce Behavior. Journal of Multidisciplinary Issues, 3(2), 49–52.