The Influence of Brand Recall, Brand Recognition, and Attitude to Brand on Purchase Intention: A Study of Shopee COD Ads Targeting Generation Z


  • Randy Omar Universitas Bina Nusantara
  • Elfindah Princes Universitas Bina Nusantara



Brand Recall, Brand Recognition, Attitude to Brand, Purchase Intention, Generation Z, Shopee COD, Digital Advertising


Purposes - The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of Brand Recall, Brand Recognition, and Attitude to Brand on Purchase Intention among Generation Z consumers. The study focuses on the effectiveness of Shopee COD advertisements and how these brand-related factors shape consumer purchasing decisions in the context of digital advertising. Methodology - This study employs a quantitative research method using a correlational design. Data was collected through questionnaires distributed to 50 respondents, followed by data analysis using SmartPLS 3.0. Hypothesis testing was conducted using the bootstrapping method to assess the significance of relationships between variables. Findings - The research findings reveal that Brand Recall and Brand Recognition do not significantly influence Purchase Intention. However, Attitude to Brand has a significant and positive impact on Purchase Intention, indicating that consumers' favorable attitudes toward a brand are key drivers of their purchasing decisions. Novelty - This study contributes to the literature by providing a deeper understanding of the specific role that Attitude to Brand plays in influencing Purchase Intention in the context of digital advertising targeted at Generation Z. The findings challenge the traditional emphasis on brand recall and recognition, suggesting that attitude plays a more pivotal role in modern advertising strategies. Research Implications - The results suggest that businesses should focus on cultivating positive brand attitudes rather than solely relying on brand recall and recognition to influence purchase intentions. This research provides practical insights for marketers and advertisers, particularly those targeting Generation Z, on the importance of building strong emotional connections with consumers to enhance brand engagement and drive sales.


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How to Cite

Randy Omar, & Elfindah Princes. (2023). The Influence of Brand Recall, Brand Recognition, and Attitude to Brand on Purchase Intention: A Study of Shopee COD Ads Targeting Generation Z. Journal of Multidisciplinary Issues, 3(2), 01–19.

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